Special Research Centre Allocation 810,336
Expenditure carried forward 1994 (8,344)
Budget 801,992
Salaries 342,475
Equipment 186,855
Maintenance 114,218
Minor Works 31,592
Travel and Visitors 113,331
Total 788,469
Expenditure carried forward 13,523
Commitments carried forward (28,091)
BALANCE at 31 December 1995 (14,568)

Grants Received by AMPC Personnel (1995)

DV Boger Studies of hydrofracture fluids in coal bed methane drainage (Australian Petroleum CRC APCRC Award) $15,000
DV Boger Structure and physico-chemistry of biopolymer components, their physical interactions and functional properties (Albright and Wilson (Australia) Ltd) $50,000
DV Boger Industrial process engineering contracts $24,956
DV Boger Optimisation of the clarification and dewatering process for bauxite residue in the Bayer Process for the production of alumina (Alcoa of Australia Ltd) $50,000
DV Boger Molecular structure and physico-chemistry of gum components, their physical interactions and functional properties (CRC for Industrial Plant Biopolymers) $116,000
DV Boger Elastic effects in non-Newtonian fluid mechanics (ARC Large) $65,500
DV Boger Optimisation of the clarification and dewatering process for bauxite residue in the Bayer Process for the production of alumina (ARC Collaborative (Alcoa)) $30,000
DV Boger and P Wilson The optimisation of factors in crown cementation(NH and MRC) $38,000
SL Carnie and DYC Chan Calculation of properties of dense colloidal dispersions using non-pair-additive potentials (ARC Large) $72,000
DYC Chan Development of fracture and interfacial instabilities (ARC Small) $10,250
ML Gee Polyelectrolytes - Structure and function at interfaces and in bulk solution (ARC Small) $10,079
ML Gee and LR White The effects of structure and conformation of adsorbed polyelectrolytes on the adhesion between two surfaces (ARC Large) $45,355
ML Gee and GW Stevens Stability of microemulsions (Department of Agriculture Victoria) $35,000
F Grieser Surface force measurements between mineral particles using an atomic force microscope (ARC Small) $11,250
F Grieser Sonochemical formation of metal colloids (ARC Large) $41,000
F Grieser and DN Furlong Non-linear optical properties of ultrasmall colloidal semiconductors in organic thin films (ARC Large) $30,000
F Grieser and D Shallcross Maragoni enhanced oil recovery (ARC Small) $15,000
TW Healy Acid leaching of metals (Tioxide Australia Pty Ltd) $56,000
TW Healy Sulphide mineral flotation science and technology (ARC Large) $51,500
BD Hughes and DYC Chan Structure of polymer gels (ARC Small) $10,000
KA Landman The effect of shear on the solid-liquid separation of suspensions (ARC Small) $10,000
P Mulvaney ARC International Research Fellowship (for Dr M Giersig) $62,000
P Mulvaney Surface chemistry of nanosized metal particles (ARC Large) $30,000
PJ Scales Industrial contracts $22,800
PJ Scales Low frequency electrokinetics of colloidal dispersions (ARC Small) $8,250
PJ Scales Gold extraction processes (Elazac Mining Pty Ltd) $33,000
PJ Scales, DR Dixon and M Pascoe New concepts in sludge dewatering (Urban Water Research Association of Australia) $60,000
GW Stevens and ML Gee Droplet coalescence in non-Newtonian fluids (ARC Small) $10,000
GW Stevens and TW Healy Interfacial phenomena in solvent extraction (ARC Large) $53,000
LR White and KA Landman Prediction scale-up procedures and test methods in solid/liquid separation (International Fine Particle Research Institute) US$5,000

Additional Support