Sader Research Group |
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J. E. Sader, C. Huertas-Cerdeira and M. Gharib,
"Stability of slender inverted flags and rods in uniform steady
flow", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 809, 873-894 (2016).
N. Shen, D. Chakraborty and J. E. Sader, "Resonant
frequencies of cantilevered sheets under various clamping configurations
immersed in fluid", Journal of Applied Physics, 120, 144504 (2016).
J. E. Sader, R. Borgani, C. T. Gibson, D. B. Haviland, M. J.
Higgins, J. I. Kilpatrick, J. Lu, P. Mulvaney, C. J. Shearer, A. D. Slattery, P.-A. Thorén, J. Tran, H. Zhang, H. Zhang and T. Zheng,
"A virtual instrument to standardise the calibration of atomic force
microscope cantilevers", Review of Scientific Instruments, 87, 093711
J. Nassios, Y. W. Yap and J. E. Sader, "Flow generated
by oscillatory uniform heating of a rarefied gas in a channel", Journal of
Fluid Mechanics, 800, 433-483 (2016).
P. Zeng, J. Cadusch, D. Chakraborty, T. A. Smith, A.
Roberts, J. E. Sader, T. J. Davis and D. E. Goméz, "Photoinduced electron
transfer in the strong coupling regime: Waveguide-plasmon polaritons",
Nano Letters, 16, 2651-2656 (2016).
Y. W. Yap and J. E. Sader, "Sphere oscillating in a
rarefied gas", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 794, 109-153 (2016).
R. Daly, J. E. Sader and J. J. Boland, "Taming
self-organization dynamics to dramatically control porous architectures",
ACS Nano, 10, 3087-3092 (2016).
J. E. Sader, J. Cossé, D. Kim, B. Fan and M. Gharib,
"Large-amplitude flapping of an inverted-flag in a uniform steady flow
– a vortex-induced vibration", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 793,
524-555 (2016).
J. Lee, J. Kim, J. Song, K. Kim, S. Kim, J. Song, M. F.
Khan, L. Zhang, J. E. Sader, K. Park, D. Kim, T. Thundat, "Hollow
nanomechanical mass sensors via silicon self-assembly towards sub-attogram mass
sensing applications", Nano Letters, 16, 1537-1545 (2016).
N. M. Lacevic and J. E. Sader, "Viscoelasticity of
glycerol at ultra-high frequencies investigated via molecular dynamics
simulations", Journal of Chemical Physics, 144, 054502 (2016).
D. R. Ladiges and J. E. Sader, "Frequency-domain
deviational Monte Carlo method for linear oscillatory gas flows," Physics
of Fluids, 27, 102002 (2015).
Y. Shi, Y. W. Yap and J. E. Sader, "Linearized lattice
Boltzmann method for micro- and nanoscale flow and heat transfer", Physical
Review E, 92, 013307 (2015).
K. Yu, T. A. Major, D. Chakraborty, M. S. Devadas, J. E.
Sader and G. V. Hartland, "Compressible viscoelastic liquid effects
generated by the breathing modes of isolated metal nanostructures", Nano
Letters, 15, 3964-3970 (2015).
J. E. Sader and J. R. Friend, "Note: Improved
calibration of atomic force microscope cantilevers using multiple reference
cantilevers", Review of Scientific Instruments, 86, 56106 (2015).
D. Chakraborty and J. E. Sader, "Constitutive models
for linear compressible viscoelastic flows of simple liquids at nanometer
length scales", Physics of Fluids, 27, 052002 (2015).
W.-S. Chang, F. Wen, D. Chakraborty,
M.-N. Su, Y. Zhang, B. Shuang, P. Nordlander, J. E. Sader, N. J. Halas and S.
Link, "Tuning the acoustic frequency of a gold nanodisk through its
adhesion layer", Nature Communications, 6, 7022 (2015).
M. S. Hanay, S. I. Kelber, C. D. O’Connell, P. Mulvaney, J.
E. Sader and M. L. Roukes, "Inertial imaging with nanomechanical
systems", Nature Nanotechnology, 10, 339-344 (2015).
C. A. Van Eysden and J. E. Sader, "Frequency response
of cantilever beams immersed in viscous fluids", in Resonant MEMS.
Fundamentals, Implementation and Application, Eds. O. Brand, I. Dufour, S. M.
Heinrich and F. Josse, Wiley-VCH, 29-53 (2015).
D. R. Ladiges and J. E. Sader, "Frequency-domain Monte
Carlo method for linear oscillatory gas flows", Journal of Computational
Physics, 284, 351-366 (2015).
J. E. Sader and J. R. Friend, "Note: Calibration of
atomic force microscope cantilevers using only their resonant frequency and
quality factor", Review of Scientific Instruments, 85, 116101 (2014).
J. E. Sader, J. Lu and P. Mulvaney, "Effect of
cantilever geometry on the optical lever sensitivities and thermal noise method
of the atomic force microscope", Review of Scientific Instruments, 85,
113702 (2014).
E. K. McCarthy, A. T. Bellew, J. E. Sader and J. J. Boland,
"Poisson’s ratio of individual metal nanowires", Nature
Communications, 5, 4336 (2014).
Y. Shi, Y. W. Yap and J. E. Sader, "Lattice Boltzmann
method for linear oscillatory non-continuum flows", Physical Review E, 89,
033305 (2014).
J. E. Sader, M. Yousef and J. R. Friend, "Uncertainty
in least-squares fits to the thermal noise spectra of nanomechanical resonators
with applications to the atomic force microscope", Review of Scientific
Instruments, 85, 025104 (2014).
K. Yu, J. E. Sader, P. Zijlstra, M. Hong, Q-.H. Xu and M.
Orrit, "Probing silver deposition on single gold nanorods by their
acoustic vibrations", Nano Letters, 14, 915-922 (2014).
E. C. Bullard, J. Li, C. R. Lilley, P. Mulvaney, M. L.
Roukes and J. E. Sader, "Dynamic similarity of oscillatory flows induced
by nanomechanical resonators", Physical Review Letters, 112, 015501
M. Pelton, D. Chakraborty, E. Malachosky, P. Guyot-Sionnest
and J. E. Sader, "Viscoelastic flows in simple liquids generated by
vibrating nanostructures", Physical Review Letters, 111, 244502 (2013);
[Highlighted in Physics, Focus, 6, 135 (2013)].
R. Daly, J. E. Sader and J. J. Boland, "The dominant
role of the solvent-water interface in water droplet templating of
polymers", Soft Matter, 9, 7960–7965 (2013).
J. Nassios and J. E. Sader, "High frequency oscillatory
flows in a slightly rarefied gas according to the Boltzmann-BGK equation",
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 729, 1–46 (2013).
K. Yu, P. Zijlstra, J. E. Sader, Q-.H. Xu and M. Orrit,
"Damping of acoustic vibrations of immobilized single gold nanorods in
different environments", Nano Letters, 13, 2710–2716 (2013).
P. Kanjanaboos, X.-M. Lin, J. E.
Sader, S. M. Rupich, H. M. Jaeger and J. R. Guest, "Self-assembled
nanoparticle drumhead resonators", Nano Letters, 13, 2158–2162
D. Chakraborty, E. van Leeuwen, M. Pelton and J. E. Sader,
"Vibration of nanoparticles in viscous fluids", J. Phys. Chem. C,
117, 8536-8544 (2013).
M. H. Matheny, L. G. Villanueva, R. B. Karabalin, J. E.
Sader and M. L. Roukes, "Nonlinear mode-coupling in nanomechanical
systems", Nano Letters, 13, 1622-1626 (2013).
X. C. Zhang, E. B. Myers, J. E. Sader and M. L. Roukes,
"Nanomechanical torsional resonators for frequency-shift infrared thermal
sensing", Nano Letters, 13, 1528-1534 (2013).
L. G. Villanueva, R. B. Karabalin, M. H. Matheny, D. Chi, J.
E. Sader and M. L. Roukes, "Nonlinearity in nanomechanical cantilevers",
Physical Review B, 87, 024304 (2013).
M. J. Lachut and J. E. Sader, "Buckling of a cantilever
plate uniformly loaded in its plane with applications to surface stress and
thermal loads", Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 024501 (2013).
J. E. Sader, J. A. Sanelli, B. D. Adamson, J. P. Monty, X.
Wei, S. A. Crawford, J. R. Friend, I. Marusic, P. Mulvaney and E. J. Bieske,
"Spring constant calibration of atomic force microscope cantilevers of
arbitrary shape", Review of Scientific Instruments, 83, 103705 (2012).
R. Daly, J. E. Sader and J. J. Boland, "Existence of
micrometer-scale water droplets at solvent/air interfaces", Langmuir, 28,
13218 (2012).
J. Nassios and J. E. Sader, "Asymptotic analysis of the
Boltzmann-BGK equation for oscillatory flows", Journal of Fluid Mechanics,
708, 197-249 (2012).
R. B. Karabalin, L. G. Villanueva, M. H. Matheny, J. E.
Sader and M. L. Roukes, "Stress-induced variations in the stiffness of
micro- and nanocantilever beams", Physical Review Letters, 108, 236101
J. E. Sader, B. D. Hughes, J. A. Sanelli and E. J. Bieske,
"Effect of multiplicative noise on least-squares parameter estimation with
applications to the atomic force microscope", Review of Scientific
Instruments, 83, 055106 (2012).
Y. W. Yap and J. E. Sader, "High accuracy numerical
solutions of the Boltzmann Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook equation for steady and
oscillatory Couette flows", Physics of Fluids, 24, 032004 (2012).
M. J. Lachut and J. E. Sader, "Effect of surface stress
on the stiffness of thin elastic plates and beams", Physical Review B, 85,
085440 (2012).
J. D. Woodcock, J. E. Sader and I. Marusic, "Induced
flow due to blowing and suction flow control: an analysis of
transpiration", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 690, 366-398 (2012).
M. Pelton, Y. Wang, D. Gosztola and J. E. Sader,
"Mechanical damping of longitudinal acoustic oscillations of metal
nanoparticles in solution", Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115,
23732-23740 (2011).
J. E. Sader, J. Sanelli, B. D. Hughes, J. P. Monty and E. J.
Bieske, "Distortion in the thermal noise spectrum and quality factor of
nanomechanical devices due to finite frequency resolution with applications to
the atomic force microscope", Review of Scientific Instruments, 82, 095104
J. E. Sader, T. P. Burg, J. Lee and S. R. Manalis,
"Energy dissipation in microfluidic beam resonators: Effect of Poisson’s
Ratio", Physical Review E, 84, 026304 (2011).
Y. Shi, P. L. Brookes, Y. W. Yap and J. E. Sader,
"Accuracy of the lattice Boltzmann method for low-speed noncontinuum
flows", Physical Review E, 83, 045701 (2011).
J. E. Sader, J. Lee and S. R. Manalis, "Energy
dissipation in microfluidic beam resonators: Dependence on mode number",
Journal of Applied Physics, 108, 114507 (2010).
J. D. Woodcock, J. E. Sader and I. Marusic, "On the
maximum drag reduction due to added polymers in Poiseuille flow", Journal
of Fluid Mechanics, 659, 473-483 (2010).
D. R. Brumley, M. Willcox and J. E. Sader, "Erratum:
Oscillation of cylinders of rectangular cross section immersed in fluid",
Physics of Fluids, 22, 099902 (2010).
J. E. Sader and Y. Sugimoto, "Accurate formula for
conversion of tunneling current in dynamic atomic force spectroscopy",
Applied Physics Letters, 97, 043502 (2010).
C. D. F. Honig, J. E. Sader, P. Mulvaney and W. A. Ducker,
"Lubrication forces in air and accommodation coefficient measured by a
thermal damping method using an atomic force microscope", Physical Review
E, 81, 056305 (2010).
D. R. Brumley, M. Willcox and J. E. Sader, "Oscillation
of cylinders of rectangular cross section immersed in fluid", Physics of
Fluids, 22, 052001 (2010).
J. E. Sader, T. P. Burg and S. R. Manalis, "Energy
dissipation in microfluidic beam resonators", Journal of Fluid Mechanics,
650, 215-250 (2010).
E. C. Button, J. F. Davidson, G. J. Jameson and J. E. Sader,
"Water bells formed on the underside of a horizontal plate. Part 2.
Theory", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 649, 45-68 (2010); [Featured Cover
G. J. Jameson, C. E. Jenkins, E. C. Button and J. E. Sader,
"Water bells formed on the underside of a horizontal plate. Part 1.
Experimental investigation", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 649, 19-43
M. T. Clark, J. E. Sader, J. P. Cleveland and M. R. Paul,
"Spectral properties of microcantilevers in viscous fluid", Physical
Review E, 81, 046306 (2010).
Y. Shi and J. E. Sader, "Lattice Boltzmann method for
oscillatory Stokes flow with applications to micro- and nanodevices",
Physical Review E, 81, 036706 (2010).
B. D. Adamson, J. E. Sader and E. J. Bieske,
"Photoacoustic detection of gases using microcantilevers", Journal of
Applied Physics, 106, 114510 (2009).
M. J. Lachut and J. E. Sader, "Effect of surface stress
on the stiffness of cantilever plates: Influence of cantilever geometry",
Applied Physics Letters, 95, 193505 (2009).
C. A. Van Eysden and J. E. Sader, "Frequency response
of cantilever beams immersed in compressible fluids with applications to the
atomic force microscope", Journal of Applied Physics, 106, 094904 (2009).
J. Van Embden, J. E. Sader, M. Davidson and P. Mulvaney,
"Evolution of colloidal nanocrystals: theory and modeling of their
nucleation and growth", Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113, 16342-16355
M. Pelton, J. E. Sader, J. Burgin, M. Liu, P. Guyot-Sionnest
and D. Gosztola, "Damping of acoustic vibrations in gold
nanoparticles", Nature Nanotechnology, 4, 492-495 (2009).
E. C. Button, C. R. Lilley, N. S. Mackenzie and J. E. Sader,
"Blunted-cone heat shields of atmospheric entry vehicles", AIAA
Journal, 47, 1784-1787 (2009).
T. P. Burg, J. E. Sader and S. R. Manalis,
"Nonmonotonic energy dissipation in microfluidic resonators",
Physical Review Letters, 102, 228103 (2009).
D. Almecija, D. Blond, J. E. Sader, J. N. Coleman and J. J.
Boland, "Mechanical properties of individual electrospun polymer-nanotube
composite nanofibers", Carbon, 47, 2253-2258 (2009).
J. Lim, J. E. Sader and P. Mulvaney, "Electrodynamic
ratchet motor", Physical Review E, 79, 030105 (2009).
C. A. Van Eysden and J. E. Sader, "Compressible viscous
flows generated by oscillating flexible cylinders", Physics of Fluids, 21,
013104 (2009).
B. Wen, J. E. Sader and J. J. Boland, "Mechanical
properties of ZnO nanowires", Physical Review Letters, 101, 175502 (2008).
C. A. Van Eysden and J. E. Sader, "Erratum: Frequency
response of cantilever beams immersed in viscous fluids with applications to
the atomic force microscope: Arbitrary mode order", Journal of Applied
Physics, 104, 109901 (2008).
G. J. Jameson, C. Jenkins, E. C. Button and J. E. Sader,
"Water bells created from below", Physics of Fluids, 20, 091108
G. B. Kaggwa, J. I. Kilpatrick, J. E. Sader and S. P.
Jarvis, "Artifact-free dynamic atomic force microscopy reveals monotonic
dissipation for a simple confined liquid", Applied Physics Letters, 93,
011909 (2008).
C. R. Lilley and J. E. Sader, "Velocity profile in the
Knudsen layer according to the Boltzmann equation", Proceedings of the
Royal Society A, 464, 2015-2035 (2008).
S. A. Edwards, W. A. Ducker and J. E. Sader, "Influence
of atomic force microscope cantilever tilt and induced torque on force
measurements", Journal of Applied Physics, 103, 064513 (2008).
J. E. Sader, C. J. Pepperell and D. E. Dunstan,
"Measurement of the optical properties and shape of nanoparticles in
solution using Couette flow", ACS Nano, 2, 334-340 (2008).
S. P. Jarvis, J. E. Sader and T. Fukuma, "Frequency
modulation atomic force microscopy in liquids", Applied Scanning Probe
Methods VIII: Scanning Probe Microscopy Techniques, Eds. B. Bhushan, H. Fuchs
and M. Tomitori, NanoScience and Technology Series, Springer Verlag, 315-350
J. R. Looker and J. E. Sader, "Flexural resonant
frequencies of rectangular cantilever plates", ASME Journal of Applied
Mechanics, 75, 011007 (2008).
M. J. Lachut and J. E. Sader, "Effect of surface stress
on the stiffness of cantilever plates", Physical Review Letters, 99,
206102 (2007).
C. R. Lilley and J. E. Sader, "Velocity gradient
singularity and structure of the velocity profile in the Knudsen layer
according to the Boltzmann equation", Physical Review E, 76, 026315
H. Petrova, C-H. Lin, M. Hu, J. Chen, A. R. Siekkinen, Y.
Xia, J. E. Sader and G. V. Hartland, "Vibrational response of Au-Ag
nanoboxes and nanocages to ultrafast laser-induced heating", Nano Letters,
7, 1059-1063 (2007).
H. Petrova, C-H. Lin, S. de Liejer, M. Hu, J. M. McLellan,
A. R. Siekkinen, B. J. Wiley, M. Marquez, Y. Xia, J. E. Sader and G. V.
Hartland, "Time-resolved spectroscopy of silver nanocubes: observation and
assignment of coherently excited vibrational modes", Journal of Chemical
Physics, 126, 094709 (2007).
C. A. Van Eysden and J. E. Sader, "Frequency response
of cantilever beams immersed in a viscous fluid with applications to the atomic
force microscope: Arbitrary mode order", Journal of Applied Physics, 101,
044908 (2007).
L. T. Ngo, D. Almecija, J. E. Sader, B. Daly, N Petkov, J.
D. Holmes, D. Erts and J. J. Boland, "Ultimate-Strength Germanium
Nanowires", Nano Letters, 6, 2964-2968 (2006).
C. A. Van Eysden and J. E. Sader, "Resonant frequencies
of a rectangular cantilever beam immersed in a fluid", Journal of Applied
Physics, 100, 114916 (2006).
C. A. Van Eysden and J. E. Sader, "Small amplitude
oscillations of a flexible thin blade in a viscous fluid: Exact analytical
solution", Physics of Fluids, 18, 123102 (2006).
J. E. Sader and S. P. Jarvis, "Coupling of conservative
and dissipative forces in frequency modulation atomic force microscopy",
Physical Review B, 74, 195424 (2006).
H. Petrova, C.-H. Lin, S. De
Leijer, M. Hu, J. M. McLellan, A. R. Siekkinen, B. J. Wiley, M. Marquez, Y.
Xia, J. E. Sader and G. V. Hartland, "Vibrational spectroscopy and energy
relaxation of nanocubes, nanoboxes, and nanocages", Proceedings of SPIE
International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 6325, 632507 (2006).
M. J. Higgins, M. Polcik, T. Fukuma, J. E. Sader, Y.
Nakayama and S. P. Jarvis, "Structured water layers adjacent to biological
membranes", Biophysical Journal, 91, 2532-2542 (2006).
C. P. Green and J. E. Sader, "Erratum: Frequency
response of cantilever beams immersed in viscous fluids near a solid surface
with applications to the atomic force microscope", Journal of Applied
Physics, 100, 029901 (2006).
Heidelberg, L. T. Ngo, B. Wu, M. A. Phillips, S. Sharma, T.
I. Kamins, J. E. Sader and J. J. Boland, "A generalized description of the
elastic properties of nanowires", Nano Letters, 6, 1101-1106 (2006).
Wu, A. Heidelberg, J. J. Boland, J. E. Sader, X. M. Sun and
Y. D. Li, "Microstructure-hardened silver nanowires", Nano Letters,
6, 468-472 (2006).
M. J. Higgins, R. Proksch, J. E. Sader, M. Polcik, S. Mc
Endoo, J. P. Cleveland and S. P. Jarvis, "Noninvasive determination of
optical lever sensitivity in atomic force microscopy", Review of
Scientific Instruments, 77, 013701 (2006).
M. J. Higgins, J. E. Sader and S. P. Jarvis, "Frequency
modulation atomic force microscopy reveals individual intermediates associated
with each unfolded I27 titin domain", Biophysical Journal, 90, 640-647
C. P. Green and J. E. Sader, "Frequency response of
cantilever beams immersed in viscous fluids near a solid surface with
applications to the atomic force microscope", Journal of Applied Physics,
98, 114913 (2005).
H. Özgür Özer, S. J. O’Brien, A. Norris, J. E. Sader and J.
B. Pethica, "Dissipation imaging with low amplitude off-resonance atomic
force microscopy", Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 44, 5325-5327
C. P. Green and J. E. Sader, "Small amplitude
oscillations of a thin beam immersed in a viscous fluid near a solid
surface", Physics of Fluids, 17, 073102 (2005).
J. E. Sader, J. Pacifico, C. P. Green and P. Mulvaney,
"General scaling law for stiffness measurement of small bodies with
applications to the atomic force microscope", Journal of Applied Physics,
97, 124903 (2005).
J. E. Sader, T. Uchihashi, M. J. Higgins, A. Farrell, Y.
Nakayama and S. P. Jarvis, "Quantitative force measurements using
frequency modulation atomic force microscopy – theoretical
foundations", Nanotechnology, 16, S94-S101 (2005).
M. J. Higgins, C. K. Riener, T. Uchihashi, J. E. Sader, R.
McKendry and S. P. Jarvis, "Frequency modulation atomic force microscopy:
a dynamic measurement technique for biological systems", Nanotechnology,
16, S85-S89 (2005).
T. Uchihashi, M. Higgins, Y. Nakayama, J. E. Sader and S. P.
Jarvis, "Quantitative measurement of solvation shells using frequency
modulated atomic force microscopy", Nanotechnology, 16, S49-S53 (2005).
J. E. Sader and M. R. Davidson, "Scaling behavior for
gravity induced flow of a yield stress material", Journal of Rheology, 49,
105-112 (2005).
T. Uchihashi, M. J. Higgins, S. Yasuda, S. P. Jarvis, S.
Akita and Y. Nakayama and J. E. Sader, "Quantitative force measurements in
liquid using frequency modulation atomic force microscopy", Applied
Physics Letters, 85, 3575-3577 (2004).
J. A. Chamberlain, D. J. Horrobin, K. A. Landman and J. E.
Sader, "Upper and lower bounds for incipient failure in a body under
gravitational loading", ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 71, 586-589
J. E. Sader and S. P. Jarvis, "Interpretation of
frequency modulation atomic force spectroscopy in terms of fractional
calculus", Physical Review B, 70, 012303 (2004).
C. P. Green, H. Lioe, J. P. Cleveland, R. Proksch, P.
Mulvaney and J. E. Sader, "Normal and torsional spring constants of atomic
force microscope cantilevers", Review of Scientific Instruments, 75,
1988-1996 (2004).
J. E. Sader and C. P. Green, "In-plane deformation of
cantilever plates with applications to lateral force microscopy", Review
of Scientific Instruments, 75, 878-883 (2004).
J. E. Sader and S. P. Jarvis, "Accurate formulas for
interaction force and energy in frequency modulation force spectroscopy",
Applied Physics Letters, 84, 1801-1803 (2004).
G. V. Hartland, M. Hu, P. Mulvaney, O. Wilson, and J. E.
Sader, "Coherent excitation of vibrational modes in nanoparticles and
nanorods: what do we really measure?", Proceedings of SPIE International Society for Optical Engineering, 5223, 77-84
M. Hu, X. Wang, G. V. Hartland, P. Mulvaney, J. P. Juste and
J. E. Sader, "Vibrational response of nanorods to ultrafast laser induced
heating: theoretical and experimental analysis", Journal of the American
Chemical Society, 125, 14925-14933 (2003).
J. A. Chamberlain, S. Clayton, K. A. Landman and J. E.
Sader, "Experimental validation of incipient failure of yield stress
materials under gravitational loading", Journal of Rheology, 47, 1317-1329
J. E. Sader and R. C. Sader, "Susceptibility of atomic
force microscope cantilevers to lateral forces: experimental
verification", Applied Physics Letters, 83, 3195-3197 (2003).
M. J. Higgins, J. E. Sader, P. Mulvaney and R. Wetherbee,
"Probing the surface of living diatoms with atomic force microscopy: the
nanostructure and micromechanical properties of the mucilage layer",
Journal of Phycology, 39, 722-734 (2003).
M. Hu, G. V. Hartland and J. E. Sader, "Softening of
the symmetric breathing mode in gold particles by laser-induced heating",
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 107, 7472-7478 (2003).
P. Mulvaney, J. E. Sader, G. Hartland, M. Giersig,
"Mechanical properties of small metal spheres and rods", Low
Dimensional Systems: Theory, Preparation and Some Applications, Eds. L.
Liz-Marzan and M. Giersig, NATO Science Series II. No. 91, Kluwer Publishers,
77-86 (2003).
J. E. Sader, "Susceptibility of atomic force microscope
cantilevers to lateral forces", Review of Scientific Instruments, 74,
2438-2443 (2003)
C. P. Green and J. E. Sader, "Torsional frequency
response of cantilever beams immersed in viscous fluids with applications to
the atomic force microscope", Journal of Applied Physics, 92, 6262-6274
J. A. Chamberlain, J. E. Sader, K. A. Landman, D. J.
Horrobin and L. R. White, "Incipient failure of a circular cylinder under
gravity", International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 44, 1779-1800
S. Boskovic, J. W. M. Chon, P. Mulvaney and J. E. Sader,
"Rheological measurements using microcantilevers", Journal of
Rheology, 46, 891-899 (2002).
J. E. Sader, "Surface stress induced deflections of
cantilever plates with applications to the atomic force microscope: V-shaped
plates", Journal of Applied Physics, 91, 9354-9361 (2002).
J. E. Sader, "Calibration of atomic force microscope
cantilevers", Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science, Ed: A. Hubbard,
846-856 (2002).
J. E. Sader, G. Hartland and P. Mulvaney, "Theory of
acoustic breathing modes of core-shell nanoparticles", Journal of Physical
Chemistry B, 106, 1399-1402 (2002).
G. V. Hartland, M. Hu, O. Wilson, P. Mulvaney and J. E.
Sader, "Coherent excitation of vibrational modes in gold nanorods",
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 106, 743-747 (2002).
J. E. Sader, "Surface stress induced deflections of
cantilever plates with applications to the atomic force microscope: rectangular
plates", Journal of Applied Physics, 89, 2911-2921 (2001).
J. A. Chamberlain, J. E. Sader, K. A. Landman and L. R.
White, "Incipient failure of a two dimensional rectangular block",
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 43, 793-815 (2001).
J. W. M. Chon, P. Mulvaney and J. E. Sader,
"Experimental validation of theoretical models for the frequency response
of atomic force microscope cantilever beams immersed in fluids", Journal
of Applied Physics, 87, 3978-3988 (2000).
J. E. Sader and D. Y. C. Chan, "Long-range
electrostatic attractions between identically-charged particles in confined
geometries and the Poisson-Boltzmann theory", Langmuir, 16, 324-331 (2000).
J. E. Sader, J. W. M. Chon and P. Mulvaney,
"Calibration of rectangular atomic force microscope cantilevers",
Review of Scientific Instruments, 70, 3967-3969 (1999).
J. E. Sader and D. Y. C. Chan, "Electrical double layer
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