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The University of Melbourne  Atomic Force Microscope Cantilevers
(Calibration method of Sader)

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Online calibration Online calibration Online calibration
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Online calibration

1. Sader Method for a set of rectangular/non-rectangular cantilevers.
2. Sader Method GCI for all cantilever types.

Mathematica Files

These Mathematica ® notebooks and script files have been made available to assist in the calibration of AFM cantilevers using the Sader methods. In addition, we have also made available a notebook that fits the thermal noise spectrum of an AFM cantilever with the response of a simple harmonic oscillator (the file SHOfit.nb). This can be used to extract the peak frequency and quality factors of the resonance peaks to high accuracy (± 0.1% and ± 1%, respectively).

Mathematica® notebooks for download.

Mathematica ® script files for download.

Home - Background theory - Online calibration - Mathematica files - Bibliography

Created: 18 September 2003
Last modified: 8 March 2017
Authorised by: Head, School of Mathematics and Statistics.
Maintained by: John Sader, School of Mathematics and Statistics.